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From “Pain” to Gain in the Selective Test 2024: A Guide for Parents and Students
Damian Nguyen
December 24, 2023

Preparing for the NSW Selective Test in 2024 brings its own set of challenges for both students and parents. From managing high expectations and long study hours to dealing with tricky questions and peer pressure, students face various struggles. Parents, on the other hand, contend with the cost of tutoring, expectation management, and concern for their child's well-being. This article offers practical tips and empathetic approaches to help families navigate these hurdles effectively.

🌟 The “Unspoken Pains” of the Selective Test Journey

The NSW Selective Test is more than an academic milestone; it's a journey filled with hidden challenges for both students and their parents. Let’s dive into the "unspoken pains" each face.

It is important to understand the pains of the students

✏️ Student Challenges:

  • High Expectations from Parents: Parents tend to have high academic expectations of their children, leading to high pressure on students. The pressure to excel can sometimes feel overwhelming for students, creating an unintended burden.
  • Long and Tiring Study Hours: Intensive study sessions, while beneficial for students, can lead to exhaustion and stress, impacting mental health.
  • Tricky Questions: The challenging nature of the test can induce stress, demanding high levels of critical thinking and perseverance from students.
  • Peer Pressure: Students often compare themselves to their peers to gauge their study performance. Such comparisons with peers can be a double-edged sword, potentially leading to reduced confidence and mental health issues.

Be mindful of the effect of Selective tests on yourself

💡 Parent Concerns:

  • High Cost of Tutoring: Most of the tutoring services for the Selective Test tend to be expensive for parents. For instance, if parents purchase 10-week class services, the fee ranges from $700 to $1,300 AUD, according to the providers. Thus, the financial burden of tutoring services can be significant, causing stress for parents.
  • Managing Expectations: Parents may also compare their children with others to encourage their children to strive for excellence. The challenge of balancing encouragement with realistic expectations can be a source of stress for parents.
  • Worrying about children's well-being: It is common for parents to worry and be concerned about their children’s well-being, particularly about their child's academic and emotional state. However, if not managed well, these concerns can lead to additional anxiety and stress for parents.

🙌 Tips to ACE the  Selective Test 2024:

The following tips and sharing are from past candidates and their parents who all went through the whole journey of the past Selective Tests. These tips may be simple and very ordinary but what people usually say is: “Simple is the best”.

Help your child overcome the challenges with smart study

For students - “Practice Smart, Not Hard”

  • Identify Areas of Improvement: Focus on specific areas rather than attempting everything at once. You can do this by revising what you have and have not done well.
  • Be 1% Better Every Day: Selective practice and study are long-term games. Therefore, you should aim for gradual, consistent improvement rather than overwhelming leaps in learning.
  • Take Rests When Needed: It is normal that you feel tired during the Selective practice. Remember, it's okay to take breaks to maintain a healthy balance in life.

Together, you can achieve the desired outcomes

For parents - “Empathy and Understanding are keys”

  • Empathise with your child: It is important for parents to sit down and have a talk with their children to listen to them. By engaging in open conversations with your children, you can understand more about their situations and provide more relevant support.
  • Adjust expectations: Your children are your children, not other children. Hence, you should understand your child’s unique strengths and weaknesses to set more relevant and realistic goals.
  • Acknowledge the Long-Term Journey: Last but not least, remember that your child’s path will be unique and different from others. It is a long-term process and goes beyond selective test scores.

🦄 Final Thoughts:

The journey to the Selective Test 2024 is indeed challenging, but with the right approach and mindset, these challenges can be transformed into a rewarding experience. Parents, remember to offer empathy and understanding. This not only aids in overcoming the Selective Test but also strengthens your bond with your children. Let's embark on this journey together, turning every “pain” into gains and a step towards success! 🌟💯💬

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