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How hard is the NSW Selective Test?

The NSW Selective Entry Exam is crucial for students who want to get into selective high schools in NSW. It is a challenging test that requires academic talent, good time management skills, and the ability to handle complex and integrated questions. The competition can be intense, and the exam can have a psychological impact on students. Additionally, the content of the exam will be changing and evolving.


The NSW Selective Test is a crucial test that decides if students are eligible for admission into selective high schools in NSW. These schools are specifically for academically talented students, and the exam is accordingly difficult. Here's an in-depth analysis of the exam's level of difficulty.

Overall Complexity:

  • Beyond Standard Learning:The exam goes beyond what is taught in regular schools. It tests students on advanced concepts, requiring a deeper understanding and higher-level thinking skills.
  • Challenging Question Formats:The test questions are not simple recall questions. They require complex problem-solving and the application of knowledge in unfamiliar situations. This can be difficult for students used to more straightforward question formats.
  • High Academic Expectations:The exam is designed to identify students with exceptional intellectual abilities. It sets a high academic standard that goes beyond the regular Year 6 curriculum.
  • Intense Competition:Due to limited spots in selective schools, the competition is fierce. Thousands of students compete for a small number of places, increasing the difficulty level not only in terms of content but also in the pressure to perform well.

Time Management

  • The exam evaluates both knowledge and time management. Students must complete each section within a specific timeframe, which can be demanding and stressful, especially for those who are not familiar with working under time limitations.
  • Managing time during the exam can be a difficult task for many students. The pressure to perform well in all sections within a limited time frame can be overwhelming.
  • The challenge during the exam is not just about completing it, but also about doing so accurately. Balancing speed with the need to carefully read, process, and answer each question correctly under time pressure adds a significant level of difficulty.

Psychological Aspect

  • The exam can be made more challenging by the stress and anxiety that accompany it.
  • Mental preparation is just as important as academic preparation for this exam. Students should focus on building resilience, learning stress management techniques, and maintaining a positive mindset.
  • The emotional and psychological stress of the exam can have a significant impact on students' performance, making it feel even more difficult.

Changes and Trends

  • The exam's difficulty level can change from year to year. The NSW Department of Education regularly reviews and updates the exam format and content, which can affect the complexity and types of questions asked.
  • By looking at past papers, it becomes evident that the questions are becoming more challenging, especially in sections like logical reasoning. These sections require not only knowledge but also strategic thinking and quick decision-making.
  • The exam covers a wide range of topics from various subjects. Students need to have a good understanding of each area, which requires a comprehensive and in-depth study routine.
  • Some questions may combine concepts from different disciplines, requiring students to think across subjects. This approach tests a student's ability to connect and apply concepts from different areas.


The NSW Selective Test is a difficult test that aims to find the most academically talented students for selective school placement. It is challenging because it tests not only advanced academic knowledge but also mental agility, problem-solving skills, and time management abilities. To succeed in this exam, it is important to prepare thoroughly and have a comprehensive approach to learning.

About the Author
Kunal is the Founder of Kiki Selective. He is passionate about transforming education with technology. He writes about his insights into Selective test and believes that parents and students can work as a team to achieve the best possible outcome.